Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The pains of being an introvert...or is it just 'Silent Bob Syndrome'?

Good morning!  I would first like to start off by saying that it's cold in my house :(.  I'm a big baby when it comes to being cold.  I could sit outside in the height of summer and bake in the sun as long as possible, but being cold makes me miserable!

I want to blog about an interesting fact about myself that I didn't know about before I got a job for Christmas this year.  I moved from a small town in New Mexico near the Four Courners to the capital city of Colorado.  'I'm just a small town girl, livin in a lonely world!' (See Gemini off track again lol)

Imagine how that felt for me?  After living in England for five years (yes it was amazing) I moved back to be close to my family. As Matt and I grew impatient to get out on our own, we moved to the place where we met. I love Denver for the beautiful Rockies and Red Rocks Ampitheater.  But city people are definately different than small town people.  Maybe its because they take on the city's energy and are just too busy to slow down and look at the other people around them.  When I got a part time job I noticed that I was often overlooked because I was a Christmas temp and I kept getting comments like "Oh Abby, I didn't realise you were still here!"  So to feel like I fit in I jokingly started telling everyone I have "Silent Bob Syndrome" and all I got in reply were blank stares and awkward silences.  So the syndrome actually started taking effect.

When I'm around new people I am terribly shy, even at 26 I find it hard to speak up or have an opinion at meetings or cub scouts.  I often feel drained when around too many new people and take solace in a book or browsing the web on my phone.  I only talk when I have to give out directions or an overly friendly person starts talking to me.  The pain of this whole thing is that people avoid me like I smell! Lol! When people ask me questions I answer but don't elaborate and they soon get bored.  I don't know how to change it!  Is this being an Introvert or is this what I like to call 'Silent Bob Syndrome'?  And if I am Silent Bob, why isn't there a Jay there who understands me and will talk out for me? 

And another thing...with the silent invisible thing going on, why is life after high school still like high school?!  We still seem to have our cliques even though most of us are too busy to actually hang out with our friends anymore.  Why do people only talk to someone outside of their little huddle to get gossip.  This happened to me the other day and it got me so flustered that I turned bright red, like tomato red.  I was half irritated that I was put on the spot and felt like I had to explain my side and half angry that this was the only method of communication!  Come on people, we are grown frickin up!  We shouldn't have to live on gossip and who pissed who off in the workplace!  Even though I would like to engage in random conversation, don't come to me with mundane stuff like that.  We should be above it all!

Okay my little rant is over.  Moral to this post is...Don't judge people because they are quiet and shy.  They might just be Silent Bobs waiting for their Jay to come along, and take stupid mundane conversation out of the workplace and reflect on the good things that are happening there.   I think I might have explained more in this paragraph than in that convoluted junk up above but I hope it gains a laugh :).

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