Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Let's see where this goes

Hello currently invisible people!  This is so new to me but hopefully I'll get it down pretty soon!

So I have been telling myself for months that I DO NOT WANT TO START A BLOG...because it's like sooo Hipster :)...Well who cares haha!  There are loads of people out there who are doing it for the same reason I am...I'm bored, I have no friends who are available during the day who I can talk to, and I have a lot of thoughts and ideas that won't shutup in my head!  Oh that, and I'm pretty sure people are getting annoyed with my 10 posts a minute on Facebook :). 

A little bit about me.  I am 26 and I live in Colorado with my loving husband and our 7 year old Liam. (He's still 6 but his birthday is on Saturday ;)...) We moved to the big city last year in July and I quickly became a SAHM.  For those of you who don't know, that means Stay At Home Mom...When it happened I was like "WTF?!  I've been working since I was like 9 with my mom!"  I quickly realised why most SAHMs are obsessed with cleaning and cooking.  IT'S BECAUSE WE ARE BORED O.O.

I can tell you that I am not in any way the perfect wife or mother.  I am trying to be but I think I have ADD because I get distracted by things really easily like Pinterest and Netflix and Youtube...and the Library lol.  I am trying to improve though because after I stopped working full time I felt lazy.  I felt like a failure to my husband.  When I moved up here (from a small town near the Four Corners) I didn't know how to cook!  I have always been obsessive about cleaning so I had that down, but I wanted to do things that would show that he wasn't alone in taking control of our lives finally.

On another note, I am an all out nerd/geek whatever you want to call it.  I have Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings memorized and am currently getting on the Doctor Who bandwagon lol.  I talk about them all the time.  I am also a major history buff and that is due to the fact that my favourite author is Phillipa Gregory author of such novels as "The Other Boleyn Girl" "The Constant Princess" "The Red Queen" and the new BBC production based on the book "The White Queen"  Once I read her work I was hooked and learned as much as I possibly could about the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

I am currently in the midst of writing a book.  ((I have been trying for years btw...It's hard!)) and decided to start this blog not only because I am bored at home, but also my mind is so full of ideas and thoughts all the time that I find it very hard to get the actual story line down.  Plus blogging will give me some practice on typing and improving my grammar.  (I've been out of high school for like 8 years give me some credit k?) So yeah...I'm gonna wrap up this novel now and go and watch Doctor Who lol bye! <3

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