Friday, January 24, 2014

A little rant on 'Fracking' and my wonderful husband.

Good morning everyone or myself...or whoever reads this :D

I've decided to post something that has been on my mind for a while now and I believe that it doesn't belong on Facebook because it's quite opinionated and I'm a chicken for debate...

But really, it seems like all of my friends and acquaintances who like an environmental argument always seem to ask me the hard questions about 'Fracking'.  They do this because Matt (my hubby) is a mechanic in the Gas and Oil field.  He travels with the crews who go out and 'frac' or fracture the earth in order to extract natural gas from shale deposits deep within the earth.  While he's only the mechanic in this story (which is a back breaking job on its end as well btw), I have had a lot of disappointed looks and comments because of what sort of engines he fixes!

So I'm here today to share my opinion!  I'm blogging about it because I honestly don't know enough about 'Fracking' and when I am talking to people I let my emotions get in the way and end up sounding ignorant about it.  If you are interested in what goes on in this field there are tons of websites with clear research about the different components of 'Fracking' a good one is  It goes through the definition, how long it has been going on and what chemicals are used in the water. 

Mostly I want to say that you shouldn't decide to hate someone because of their job description.  If you want to ask questions, don't act superior because you think it's wrong.  Finally, realize that many people are looking for a way to support their family.  Matt is gone from our home more often than not and it's already difficult.  We don't need people looking down there nose at us.

Okay, I'm done...Hopefully my next post will be funnier.  I just feel like I have to keep quiet about everything lately and in the words of Katy Perry 'I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath, scared to rock the boat and make a mess' and honestly I'm done with that!  :)

Have a great day everyone! <3

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