Thursday, December 5, 2013

Welcome back me! And ramblings about how much I love JK Rowling

How much do you love J.K. Rowling?  She is currently my favourite author.  I am rereading the Harry Potter series right now (on Chamber of Secrets) and it stuns me every time.  As a writer (or as close as I'm ever gonna get to it) I am in awe of her.  I cannot fathom how she had that much inspiration.  How did she dream it all up?  How did she have the strength to let others read something that she held so dear to her heart?  I grew up with her words and now that they're done and saved for many years to come in the books I hold so dear I find it hard to find inspiration in my own writing.  It makes me frustrated.  I try to open myself up to creativity and it keeps evading me.  I have a plot, characters and some background for my own dream novel but I can't picture them.  I can't hear their words.  How do I imagine them?

On another note however, I am hoping to come back to this blog more often now to help my skills.  You are very welcome to comment and give me some advice on how to get through this year long writers block.  Hope everyone is staying warm :)


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