Friday, January 24, 2014

A little rant on 'Fracking' and my wonderful husband.

Good morning everyone or myself...or whoever reads this :D

I've decided to post something that has been on my mind for a while now and I believe that it doesn't belong on Facebook because it's quite opinionated and I'm a chicken for debate...

But really, it seems like all of my friends and acquaintances who like an environmental argument always seem to ask me the hard questions about 'Fracking'.  They do this because Matt (my hubby) is a mechanic in the Gas and Oil field.  He travels with the crews who go out and 'frac' or fracture the earth in order to extract natural gas from shale deposits deep within the earth.  While he's only the mechanic in this story (which is a back breaking job on its end as well btw), I have had a lot of disappointed looks and comments because of what sort of engines he fixes!

So I'm here today to share my opinion!  I'm blogging about it because I honestly don't know enough about 'Fracking' and when I am talking to people I let my emotions get in the way and end up sounding ignorant about it.  If you are interested in what goes on in this field there are tons of websites with clear research about the different components of 'Fracking' a good one is  It goes through the definition, how long it has been going on and what chemicals are used in the water. 

Mostly I want to say that you shouldn't decide to hate someone because of their job description.  If you want to ask questions, don't act superior because you think it's wrong.  Finally, realize that many people are looking for a way to support their family.  Matt is gone from our home more often than not and it's already difficult.  We don't need people looking down there nose at us.

Okay, I'm done...Hopefully my next post will be funnier.  I just feel like I have to keep quiet about everything lately and in the words of Katy Perry 'I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath, scared to rock the boat and make a mess' and honestly I'm done with that!  :)

Have a great day everyone! <3

Thursday, December 26, 2013

A rant about The Silmarillion and the nuisance of unknowing husbands.

Hello there

I just wanted to rant a bit about something that I didn't want to annoy everyone on Facebook with.  I am a huge Lord of the Rings fan.  I used to have larger than life posters of Legolas as a teenager and even a cardboard cut out.  As I grew up though, I became enamored with the books and other works of J.R.R. Tolkien.  As a fan of LotR and the Hobbit, you have to appreciate that Tolkien took his stories to another level.  He made a world out of them!  So if you've never read the Silmarillion I would get cracking right away! (My goodness that sounded British)  It is an entire history on Middle Earth and the Gods and Goddesses who made it.

So anyway, back to my rant.  I was watching the Return of the King on Christmas Eve with my husband and son.  When it ended we got into a conversation about the Undying Lands and the ships that sail from Middle Earth.  My husband, while a fan, has never read more than the LotR books and therefore has no knowledge of the history.  He asked me why they can't just come back after they've sailed.  It's a ship and an ocean, obviously there's a way back right?  No...and I couldn't tell whether he was trying to wind me up or not because he knows how much of a nerd I can be when it comes to anything Tolkien related.  I started explaining about the Ainu and Illuvatar and the fact that you don't die when you go there.  Then he asked about the people that died in battle, which opened another huge can of worms.  Finally I got so upset I shouted 'READ THE SILMARILLION I can't explain it to you!  It'd be like explaining Christianity to you from the Bible!'  I nearly threw the book at him.  So my question is, have any of you ever loved a story so much that you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with information?  Did you ever want to share it with someone and they replied with a blank look?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Welcome back me! And ramblings about how much I love JK Rowling

How much do you love J.K. Rowling?  She is currently my favourite author.  I am rereading the Harry Potter series right now (on Chamber of Secrets) and it stuns me every time.  As a writer (or as close as I'm ever gonna get to it) I am in awe of her.  I cannot fathom how she had that much inspiration.  How did she dream it all up?  How did she have the strength to let others read something that she held so dear to her heart?  I grew up with her words and now that they're done and saved for many years to come in the books I hold so dear I find it hard to find inspiration in my own writing.  It makes me frustrated.  I try to open myself up to creativity and it keeps evading me.  I have a plot, characters and some background for my own dream novel but I can't picture them.  I can't hear their words.  How do I imagine them?

On another note however, I am hoping to come back to this blog more often now to help my skills.  You are very welcome to comment and give me some advice on how to get through this year long writers block.  Hope everyone is staying warm :)


Monday, May 20, 2013

New post for a new chapter

Hello there :),

It's been a while since I've been on this thing!  I guess I do that with all of my journals as well.  Start out with the intention of creating something meaningful and then filling it with randomness.

I am blogging today, only a few weeks from Summer Vacation to start a new chapter in my life.  Over Christmas I started a job and really enjoyed it for a while...But my body and mind are restless yet again and so I have decided that a summer with my boy is the only way to spend it!  I have been uneasy since the new year and realized that I am either unwilling or incapable of managing a house, paying for childcare with my meager paycheck and working in a nice (but slow moving) environment.  So it's time to get at least one or two things right in my reality because the chaos is driving me nuts!

Only a short post today, just a little rant to introduce myself again!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

A small review on Pillars of the Earth

Hello everyone!  Hope everyone is having a great day like me :).  I got all of my cleaning in the main rooms done before noon today so I have the entire afternoon free!  What's a girl to do?

I'll tell you what.  Be a geek! If you have read the post before the last one called 'My Reading Challenge' you will know that I am currently reading 'The Pillars of the Earth' by Ken Follet.  I love this book so so so much but sometimes the author's style gets a little too technical for my imagination.  The entire book is centered around the building of a cathedral in Medieval England right before Henry II married Eleanor of Aquitaine. 

Ken Follet has done amazing character development and the feeling of the story draws you in completely until you don't want to put it down.  However, I have a very hard time getting through the parts of the book that explain the building of the cathedral.  If he hadn't been an author he would have been an architect.  Almost two pages are dedicated to the designs and materials and drawings of this special place and when I read them, the words get mixed up in my head until I have to put it down and actually think about what I just read.  I have not had a problem with reading comprehension since the third grade lol and this book, this amazing story makes me think.  Totally new to me!  Maybe that's why I like it so much.

On another note, same subject, being sucked into Medieval England gave me the idea to go and get wool yarn and knitting needles today.  One of the main characters in the book whose name is Aliena, is a wool merchant who one day is unable to sell her regular pelts and has to find another way to make a profit from them.  So she decides to hire some women to weave it for her into cloth and if I remember right (haven't got this far yet) she actually creates a beautiful cloth that becomes very popular throughout the country.  So after I finished cleaning today, I went to JoAnn Fabrics and bought some knitting needles and 100% wool yarn to knit something :).

See what I mean about being a geek?  Not only do I read the book but I take on a project while reading it which is similar to what the character in the book is doing.  Knitting might be different from weaving and I would love to read the history of cloth-making, but I'll just stick to what I have now!

On that note, I wish you all a very fond farewell (bet you can't guess what line that was!)
I might post my horrendous work on here once I've finished :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The pains of being an introvert...or is it just 'Silent Bob Syndrome'?

Good morning!  I would first like to start off by saying that it's cold in my house :(.  I'm a big baby when it comes to being cold.  I could sit outside in the height of summer and bake in the sun as long as possible, but being cold makes me miserable!

I want to blog about an interesting fact about myself that I didn't know about before I got a job for Christmas this year.  I moved from a small town in New Mexico near the Four Courners to the capital city of Colorado.  'I'm just a small town girl, livin in a lonely world!' (See Gemini off track again lol)

Imagine how that felt for me?  After living in England for five years (yes it was amazing) I moved back to be close to my family. As Matt and I grew impatient to get out on our own, we moved to the place where we met. I love Denver for the beautiful Rockies and Red Rocks Ampitheater.  But city people are definately different than small town people.  Maybe its because they take on the city's energy and are just too busy to slow down and look at the other people around them.  When I got a part time job I noticed that I was often overlooked because I was a Christmas temp and I kept getting comments like "Oh Abby, I didn't realise you were still here!"  So to feel like I fit in I jokingly started telling everyone I have "Silent Bob Syndrome" and all I got in reply were blank stares and awkward silences.  So the syndrome actually started taking effect.

When I'm around new people I am terribly shy, even at 26 I find it hard to speak up or have an opinion at meetings or cub scouts.  I often feel drained when around too many new people and take solace in a book or browsing the web on my phone.  I only talk when I have to give out directions or an overly friendly person starts talking to me.  The pain of this whole thing is that people avoid me like I smell! Lol! When people ask me questions I answer but don't elaborate and they soon get bored.  I don't know how to change it!  Is this being an Introvert or is this what I like to call 'Silent Bob Syndrome'?  And if I am Silent Bob, why isn't there a Jay there who understands me and will talk out for me? 

And another thing...with the silent invisible thing going on, why is life after high school still like high school?!  We still seem to have our cliques even though most of us are too busy to actually hang out with our friends anymore.  Why do people only talk to someone outside of their little huddle to get gossip.  This happened to me the other day and it got me so flustered that I turned bright red, like tomato red.  I was half irritated that I was put on the spot and felt like I had to explain my side and half angry that this was the only method of communication!  Come on people, we are grown frickin up!  We shouldn't have to live on gossip and who pissed who off in the workplace!  Even though I would like to engage in random conversation, don't come to me with mundane stuff like that.  We should be above it all!

Okay my little rant is over.  Moral to this post is...Don't judge people because they are quiet and shy.  They might just be Silent Bobs waiting for their Jay to come along, and take stupid mundane conversation out of the workplace and reflect on the good things that are happening there.   I think I might have explained more in this paragraph than in that convoluted junk up above but I hope it gains a laugh :).

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My reading challenge!

Good morning everyone! <3 It is currently the 29th of January 2013 and also my best friend's birthday!  Happy birthday Jessi! :)

I am posting today to bring along my own reading challenge.  I got the idea from the Rory Gilmore reading challenge from this blog right here: It's a brilliant blog that I found on Pinterest yesterday.  I honestly have no idea who Rory Gilmore is and don't shoot me for that lol!  I don't watch movies that often and I kind of stick to one genre of literature, choosing to re-read most books because I'm too scared to venture away from my comfort zone. 

I am a bibliophile by the way.  I do believe that it takes over sometimes.  I love everything about books.  Their smell, their texture, and most of all their words.  Sometimes however, I find myself browsing the bookshelves in the thrift store and picking up a book that looks really pretty but I never read it.  It just sits on my shelf and continues to look pretty until it's covered in dust...(actually the bibliophile in me doesn't allow them to get dusty.  I don't even allow my husband to touch my hardback books unless his hands are clean! HA!)...Moral of that rant is, I buy a book and then NEVER read it!

So anyway, I'm happy collecting my books when my husband buys me a Kindle.  A frickin Kindle for Christmas!  What am I supposed to do now?  I have hundreds of free books yes thats right HUNDREDS of FREE books right in front of me!  Many bookworms would smack me right now and tell me that I'm making them look bad because there's nothing better than a real book!  Right?  Wrong I tell you!  Having a Kindle is better than having a library card (getting ready for the flaming arrows) because all I need is wifi and I can get those books in front of me with one touch.  I don't have to spend gas (no I'm not a hippy bookworm btw I do have a fantastic Jeep :P) it's just damn expensive and I don't have to wait for a book in case they don't have it.  Because let me tell you, the libraries in my city (which is in the northern Denver area) do not like Phillipa Gregory and it makes me sad :(.  They only have the latest book 'The Kingmaker's Daughter' and that's because I ordered it!

Okay, my Kindle vs Book rant is over now o.o...I'm a Gemini and I get off track easily READING CHALLENGE!

My challenge is to read all of the books on my bookshelf (excluding cookbooks and medical books) starting with:
 'The Pillars of the Earth' by Ken Follet followed by it's sequal
 'World Without End'
Because Matt and I just watched the tv adaptations of them and apparently it completely changed the entire plot.  I didn't remember and Matt told me he was disappointed.  His actual words were, "You remember silly lines from a Harry Potter book but you can't remember a plot from a brilliant book?"
(Apparently my husband believes he's grown out of Harry Potter.  Even though we still watch it sometimes because he's in love with Emma Watson) ;).

I am starting the challenge today and will be writing my thoughts about the book as I am re-reading it.  So I better get off of the computer so that I can clean my house before I get lost in Medieval England!